
Distinguished keynote speakers, engaging panel discussions, theme sessions and a digital exhibition, in a 3-day event that aims to facilitate stakeholders communication and highlight scientific & technical innovations targeted at extreme natural events.


04 Jul 2022
DAY 1 - 05 Jul 2022
DAY 2 - 06 Jul 2022
DAY 3 - 07 Jul 2022

Registrations & ‘Meet & Greet’

The ICONHIC2022 experience commences before the main event in a very Athenian way. On July 4th, all registered delegates are invited to pickup their registration material while enjoying the Athenian sunset accompanied by a complimentary drink. Our staff will be waiting for you in the Electra Palace garden, just footsteps away from the Parthenon for a meet and greet conference welcome where you may take advantage of pre-conference warm-up discussions in a relaxed environment. As the sun sets, we recommend strolling along the flea market in Plaka, the “neighborhood of gods” before dining under the Acropolis.

Opening Ceremony

G. Gazetas, NTUA
I. Anastasopoulos, ETH Zurich
Governor P. Chatzipanos, ASCE
E. Sapountzakis, NTUA
10:30 - 10:45


PANEL DISCUSSION – Structuring and Financing Climate Resilient Infrastructure: the global perspective

World Bank, IFC, Olympia Odos, Cero Generation, White & Case, ACWA Power, UniCredit
12:30 - 13:20

Lunch Break

Keynote Lecture – National Geographic: “Has science solved one of history’s greatest adventure mysteries?”

A. Puzrin, Professor, Geotechnical Engineering & Director of the Institute for Geotechnical Engineering, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Prof. Alexander M. Puzrin

Special Session – Climate Toolkits for Infrastructure PPPs

Gisele Saralegui, IFC
Philippe Neves, World Bank
Dr. Khafi Weekes, World Bank
Guillermo Eduardo Diaz Fanas, World Bank

Keynote Lecture – Multimodal transportation systems protection against sea level rise

S. Madanat, Dean of Engineering & Program Head of Urbanization & Global Network Professor of Civil and Urban Engineering, NYU, Abu Dhabi
Prof. Samer Madanat
14:50 - 15:20

Coffee Break

Keynote Lecture – Wildfire risks and management

D. Green, Program Manager for Earth Science Applied Sciences Wildfires program area, NASA
Dr David Green

Panel Discussion – Climate Mitigation and Adaptation in Road Concessions: Key Considerations

Panelists Dimitris Mandalozis Aegean Motorway, Greece  Nikolaos Gavrilis Globalis Insurance Brokers, Greece Thanos Doganis Attikes Diadromes, Greece Kalliopi Anastasiadou Federal Highway Research Institute (BAST), Germany    Moderator Bill Halkias International...
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Theme Lecture – System-wide seismic risk assessment of port facilities

S. Fotopoulou, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Dr. Stavroula Fotopoulou

Keynote Lecture – Functional recovery of transportation systems: Resilience investments optimization tool

S. Nikolaou, Earthquake Engineering Group Leader, National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA
Dr. Sissy Nikolaou
16:50 - 17:10

Coffee Break


Immediately after the opening plenary lecture, the dialogue keeps unfolding during the ice-breaking reception. After a stimulating scene-setter on the first day of the conference, there will be a lot to discuss so let’s spend some more time together in the company of an aperitif or chilled refreshment before dinner. Join the ICONHIC2022 community in our ice-breaking reception to be held next to the conference venue. We recommend the debates continue over dinner in one of the myriads of dining options the city has to offer.

Theme Lecture – Recommendations for determining Winkler spring parameters for pipe stress analysis applications

G. Kouretzis, Associate Professor, School of Engineering, University of Newcastle, Australia
Ass. Prof. George Kouretzis


Dr. G. Kampas, University of Greenwich, UK
Dr. C. Malaga-Chuquitaype, Imperial College London, UK
Dr. O.-J. Ktenidou, National Observatory of Athens, Greece
Dr. M. Memarzadeh, NASA Ames Research Center, USA

Keynote Lecture– Engineering Design of Communities for Disaster Resilience

B. Stojadinovic, Professor, Chair of Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Institute of Structural Engineering, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Prof. Bozidar Stojadinovic

Keynote Lecture – Insurance, a pillar of resilience and sustainability

H. Moatsos, Head of the Property, Catastrophe & Marine Committee, Hellenic Association of Insurance Companies, Greece
Henry Moatsos

Coffee Break

Theme Lecture – Performance-based design of steel structures for enhanced lifecycle seismic performance

D. Lignos, Associated Professor, Department of Civil Engineering and Applied Mechanics, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), France
Ass. Prof. Dimitrios Lignos

Special Session – Flood risk for bridges and transport networks: monitoring, modelling, and assessment

Dr. M. Loli, University of Surrey, UK
Dr. F. Schmidt, Université Gustave Eiffel, France
Dr. S. Ientile, Université Gustave Eiffel, France
Ass. Prof. S. A. Mitoulis, University of Surrey, UK
Asst. Prof. S. Argyroudis, Brunel University London, UK

Theme Lecture – Financing Sustainability and Facilitating the Net Zero Journey

C. Berbati, Head of Business Planning, IR & ESG, Piraeus Financial Holdings, Greece
Chryssanthi Berbati
12:30 - 13:20

Lunch Break

Keynote Lecture – Risk-Based Optimum Life-Cycle Management of Civil Infrastructure under Climate Change Effects

D. Frangopol, Fazlur R. Khan Endowed Chair of Structural Engineering and Architecture, Lehigh University, USA
Prof. Dan M. Frangopol

Special Session – Insurance & engineering towards a more effective risk management

Dr. A. Mouyiannou, Swiss Re, Switzerland
Dr. M. Deyanova, Mott MacDonald, Bulgaria

Theme Lecture – Seismic downhole arrays as a validation tool for computational analysis

S. Kontoe, Reader in Soil Dynamics, Imperial College London, UK
Dr. Stavroula Kontoe

Special Session – Low cost seismic isolation for the developing world

Prof. M. Blondet, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Peru
Ass. Prof. D. Konstantinidis, UC Berkeley, USA
Asst. Prof. M. Vassiliou, ETH Zurich, Switzerland

Keynote Lecture – Incorporating climate change risks in project financing

N. Nezeritis, Head of Structured Finance Division, Alpha Bank, Greece
Nikos Nezeritis
14:50 - 15:20

Coffee Break

Special Session – Improving Resilience of Critical Energy Infrastructures

Dr. C. Fuggini, RINA S.p.A, Italy
Dr. G. Giunta, Eni S.p.A, Italy
Prof. S. Karamanos, University of Thessaly, Greece

Special Session – Low cost seismic isolation for the developing world

Prof. M. Blondet, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Peru
Ass. Prof. D. Konstantinidis, UC Berkeley, USA
Asst. Prof. M. Vassiliou, ETH Zurich, Switzerland

Keynote Lecture – Equitable climate resilience – science and solutions for a warming world

K. Cobb, Georgia Power Chair & Director, Global Change Program and ADVANCE Professor, School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
Prof. Kim Cobb

Special Session – Forensics of liquefaction: Revisiting and learning from past events

Ass. Prof. O. Adamidis, University of Oxford, UK
Dr. E. Korre, ETH Zurich, Switzerland

Theme Lecture – Structural integrity of offshore pipelines

S. Karamanos, Professor, University of Thessaly, Greece
Prof. Spyros Karamanos

PANEL DISCUSSION – Structuring and Financing Climate Resilient Infrastructure: the global perspective

World Bank, IFC, Olympia Odos, Cero Generation, White & Case, ACWA Power, UniCredit

Keynote Lecture – Vibration Mitigation Performance of On- and Off-shore Wind Turbine Tower

E. Sapountzakis, Professor, School of Civil Engineering & Vice Rector, National Technical University of Athens, Greece
Prof. Evangelos Sapountzakis

Special Session – Driving Decisions with Data – Project Information Models during Risk Assessments, Construction and Long Term Monitoring

Dr. G. Hlepas, HQ US Army Corps of Engineers, USA
V. Bateman, HQ US Army Corps of Engineers, USA
Vanessa Bateman
Dr. Georgette Hlepas

Theme Lecture – Liquefaction of gravelly soils and the impact on critical infrastructure

A. Athanasopoulos-Zekkos, Associate Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, UC Berkeley, USA
Assoc. Prof. Adda Athanasopoulos-Zekkos

Special Session – The role of information in infrastructure resilience: Methods and tools

Dr. N. Makhoul, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Asst. Prof. S. Argyroudis, Brunel University London, UK
Prof. J. van de Lindt, Colorado State University, USA

Keynote Lecture – Rocking Isolation: An effective strategy for limiting forces, permanent displacements, damage and cost

N. Makris, Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering Department, Southern Methodist University, USA
Prof. Nicos Makris

Coffee Break

Special Session – Multi-hazard risk & resilience assessment: Novel applications to networks and systems of assets

Ass. Prof. D. Vamvatsikos, NTUA, Greece
Dr. A. Kazantzi, Resilience Guard GmbH, Switzerland
Dr. K. Bakalis, EPFL, Switzerland
Dr. V. Melissianos, NTUA, Greece

Special Session – Innovative Ground Interventions & Metamaterial Concepts for Structure Protection

Prof. I. Antoniadis, National Technical University of Athens, Greece
Prof. E. Chatzi, ETH Zürich, Switzerland
Prof. A. Marzani, University of Bologna, Italy

Keynote Lecture – Big Data Frameworks to Enhance Community Resilience against Landslides

D. Zekkos, Associate Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, UC Berkeley, USA
Ass. Prof. D. Zekkos

Keynote Lecture – Lifecycle assessment of geotechnical infrastructure

L. Zdravkovic, Professor, Computational Geomechanics & Head of Geotechnics division, Imperial College London, UK
Prof. Lidija Zdravkovic
12:30 - 13:20

Lunch Break

Special Session – Multi-hazard risk & resilience assessment: Novel applications to networks and systems of assets

Ass. Prof. D. Vamvatsikos, NTUA, Greece
Dr. A. Kazantzi, Resilience Guard GmbH, Switzerland
Dr. K. Bakalis, EPFL, Switzerland
Dr. V. Melissianos, NTUA, Greece

Keynote Lecture – Industrial Infrastructure Resilience in Coastal Multi-Hazard Settings

J. Padgett, Stanley C. Moore Endowed Chair & Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Rice University, USA
Prof. Jamie E. Padgett

Theme Lecture – Seismic analysis of historic stone masonry structures – Presence and future opportunities

K. Beyer, Associate Professor, Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics Laboratory & Director, Structural Engineering Group & Associate Dean for Digitalization & Open Science, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)
Ass. Prof. Katrin Beyer

Keynote Lecture – Digital Twinning for the Built Environment

I. Brilakis, Laing O’Rourke Professor & Director of the Construction Information Technology Laboratory,  Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge, UK
Prof. Ioannis Brilakis
14:50 - 15:20

Coffee Break

Theme Lecture – Physical and Numerical Modelling of Landslide-Structure-Interaction

S. Cuomo, University of Salerno, Italy
Ass. Prof. Sabatino Cuomo

Special Session – Physical and Numerical Modelling of Landslide-Structure-Interaction

Prof. S. Cuomo, University of Salerno, Italy
Dr. M. Martinelli, Deltares, The Netherlands
Prof. V. Thakur, NTNU, Norway
Prof. C. Choi, UST Hong Kong, China

Closing Ceremony

Panel Discussion
L. A. Johnson, EERI
J. Padgett, Rice Univ.
G. Gazetas, NTUA
I. Anastasopoulos, ETH Zurich

K. Pitilakis, AUTH, Greece


Special Session: Climate Toolkits for Infrastructure PPPs – How to embed climate mitigation and adaptation within infrastructure PPP projects

Climate change is one of the gravest global concerns as it is increasingly challenging the ability of governments to mitigate climate impacts that are already impacting their populations. Learn more

World Bank, IFC​
G. Saralegui, Global Climate Head for PPP Advisory, IFC​
P. Neves, Senior Investment Specialist, World Bank​
Dr. K. Weekes, Climate Infrastructure Consultant, World Bank​
G. E. Diaz Fanas, Infrastructure Climate Consultant, World Bank​

Special Session: Driving Decisions with Data – Project Information Models during Risk Assessments, Construction and Long Term Monitoring

Aging infrastructure, growing populations, and climate change has resulted in an increased risk associated with critical infrastructure. In order to assess the performance of this aging infrastructure over time, selection of appropriate project instrumentation, monitoring intervals and integrating these and other data can be critical. Learn more


Dr. Georgette Hlepas, HQ US Army Corps of Engineers, USA
Vanessa Bateman, HQ US Army Corps of Engineers, USA

Special Session: Computer Vision and Cognitive Decision-Making for Infrastructure Resilience

The session aims to connect experts in engineering domains to those in Computer Vision and Machine Learning for a common goal: mitigation of the impact of extreme natural events (natural disasters, climate change) on infrastructure. Learn more


Asst. Prof. Eva Agapaki
University of Florida, USA

Special Session: Forensics of liquefaction: Revisiting and learning from past events

In this session, iconic case histories from past liquefaction events will be revisited, in an effort to uncover the intricacies related to the phenomenon, while simultaneously putting the state-of-the-art in physical and numerical modelling to the test.  Learn more


Assoc. Prof. Orestis Adamidis
University of Oxford, UK

Dr. Eva Korre
ETH Zurich, Switzerland

Special Session: The role of information in infrastructure resilience: Methods and tools

The session focuses on the role of data and evidence obtained through emerging digital technologies in building resilience for critical infrastructure systems. Learn more


Dr. Nisrine Makhoul, Politecnico di Milano, Italy

Dr. Sotiris Argyroudis, Brunel University, UK

Prof. John van de Lindt, Colorado State University, USA

Special Session: Low cost seismic isolation for the developing world

Seismic isolation is considered an expensive method and has been mainly applied in high-income countries. However, there have been numerous research attempts to drastically reduce its cost and make it affordable and widely applicable to low-income countries. Learn more


Prof. M. Blondet, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Peru

Ass. Prof. D. Konstantinidis, UC Berkeley, USA

Asst. Prof. M. Vassiliou, ETH Zurich, Switzerland

Special Session: Innovative Ground Interventions & Metamaterial Concepts for Structure Protection

Scientific and technological advances towards the implementation of metastructures for isolation against seismic, machinery and traffic induced ground borne vibrations and noise. Learn more


Prof. Ioannis Antoniadis
National Technical University of Athens, Greece

Prof. Eleni Chatzi
ETH Zürich, Switzerland

Prof. Alessandro Marzani
University of Bologna, Italy

Special Session: Flood risk for bridges and transport networks: monitoring, modelling, and assessment

This session will present novel approaches in hazard mapping, monitoring, risk analysis, experimental modelling and numerical simulation, and assessment of cascading effects in view of network functionality, as well as societal and economic impacts. Learn more


Dr. M. Loli, University of Surrey, UK

Dr. F. Schmidt, Université Gustave Eiffel, France

Dr. S. Ientile, Université Gustave Eiffel, France

Ass. Prof. S. A. Mitoulis, University of Surrey, UK

Dr. S. Argyroudis, Brunel University, UK

Special Session: Restoration of transport infrastructure after natural hazards

This special session aims at providing a platform for discussion and springboarding the development of practical, efficient and sufficient restoration models, in an effort to build resilience into our critical infrastructure. Learn more


Ass. Prof. S. A. Mitoulis, University of Surrey, UK

Dr. S. Argyroudis, Brunel University, UK

Dr. M. Pregnolato, University of Bristol, UK

O. Keou, The World Bank, USA

Special Session: Insurance & engineering towards a more effective risk management

Risk assessment and development of risk management strategy are core tasks in the (re)insurance world and at the same time a well-developed field in engineering. We strongly believe that the successful collaboration of both worlds can be beneficial for all stake-holders involved in disaster risk management. Learn more


Dr. Amaryllis Mouyiannou, Swiss Re, Switzerland

Dr. Manya Deyanova, Mott MacDonald, Bulgaria

Special Session: Improving Resilience of Critical Energy Infrastructures

To prepare modern societies for major breakdowns of Critical Energy Infrastructures in Europe, resilience concepts need to be developed, tested and validated to make sure proper planning, preparation, response and recovery is made and achieved in the event critical situations occur. Learn more


Dr. Clemente Fuggini, RINA S.p.A, Italy

Dr. Giuseppe Giunta, Eni S.p.A, Italy

Prof. Spyros Karamanos, University of Thessaly, Greece

Special Session: Physical and Numerical Modelling of Landslide-Structure-Interaction (LSI)

Many geo-disasters in the world are related to landslides. They endanger the resident populations, and cause severe economic and functional losses, especially in urbanized areas, due to direct damage to the existing structures and indirect costs related to the disruption of strategic corridors. Learn more


Prof. S. Cuomo, University of Salerno, Italy
Dr. M. Martinelli, Deltares, Netherlands
Prof. V. Thakur, NTNU, Norway
Prof. C. Choi, UST Hong Kong, China

Special Session: Structural Design for Extra-Terrestrial Natural Hazards

Over recent decades, there has been significant investment -in the order of USD billions- by both governmental and private agencies, for pursuing space exploration and developing the first space hubs and habitats in extra-terrestrial environments. Learn more


Dr. Georgios Kampas, University of Greenwich, UK
Dr. Christian Malaga-Chuquitaype, Imperial College London, UK
Dr. Olga-Joan Ktenidou, National Observatory of Athens, Greece
Dr. Milad Memarzadeh, NASA Ames Research Center, USA

Special Session: Multi-hazard risk & resilience assessment: Novel applications to networks and systems of assets

Natural disasters are major events triggered by natural processes of the earth that may cause major loss of life as well as significant direct or indirect socioeconomic consequences to cultural heritage, buildings, or infrastructure assets and networks (transportation, power, sewage, telecommunication etc.). Learn more


Ass. Prof. D. Vamvatsikos, National Technical University of Athens, Greece
Dr. A. Kazantzi, Resilience Guard GmbH, Switzerland
Dr. K. Bakalis, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland
Dr. V. Melissianos, National Technical University of Athens, Greece



The ICONHIC2022 experience commences before the main event starts in a very Athenian way.  On July 4th, all registered delegates are invited to pickup their registration material while enjoying the Athenian sunset accompanied by a complimentary drink. Our staff will be waiting for you in the Electra Palace garden, just footsteps away from the Parthenon for a meet and greet conference welcome where you may take advantage of pre-conference warm-up discussions in a relaxed environment. As the sun sets, we recommend strolling along the flea market in Plaka, the “neighborhood of gods” before dining under the Acropolis.​

Complimentary for all Conference Delegates and their companion.​
Location: Electra Palace Athens ​


Immediately after the opening plenary lecture, the dialogue keeps unfolding during the ice-breaking reception. After a stimulating scene-setter on the first day of the conference, there will be a lot to discuss so let’s spend some more time together in the company of an aperitif or chilled refreshment before dinner. Join the ICONHIC2022 community in our ice-breaking reception to be held on site at the conference venue. ​

Complimentary for all Conference Delegates and their companion.​
Location: Noah Athens garden (Next to the Venue)


An ICONHIC tradition, the conference dinner party this year is moving to the sandy beaches of the Athenian riviera. After two days full of numerous sessions and lively debates we do need a refreshing break before resuming for the 3rd conference day which is devoted to the discussion of technical solutions and synthesis.

Registration required: Book your ticket here
Price: 50€
DOT Beach Vibes​, Leof. Alkionidon 4, Voula 166 74
Transportation: Please fill out the form here if you wish to use our free bus service.

Accompanying Persons & Post-Conference Program

The excursions below are organized by our partner travel agent Helmar Travel. Special prices have been arranged for all ICONHIC participants. Depending on the number of participants, the excursions may be private to ICONHIC participants or open to other clients. To book a tour, click the button 'Book your Ticket' and contact directly the Helmar Travel Agency.

Acropolis, Acropolis Museum & Athens City tour

For first-time comers to Athens, this is a tour that cannot be missed. Visitors will have the chance to travel in history, admire the ancient greek civilization and appreciate the recent greek heritage and culture. Enjoy a half-day visit to the Architectural Masterpieces of the Golden Age of Athens: The Propylaea, the Temple of Athena Nike, the Erechtheion and finally “the harmony between material and spirit”, the monument that “puts order in the mind”, the Parthenon.

On your way to Acropolis hill you will also visit some of the most emblematic city attractions (the Panathenaic Stadium, the Hadrian’s Arch, the Prime Minister’s residence guarded by the Euzones, etc.). Finish your tour at the new Acropolis Museum – a stunning modern piece of architecture that harmonically blends  with the remains of the Ancient city. ​

Price: 65 € pp* 
Dates: 05, 06, 07 July 2022
Duration: 5h (08:30 – 13:30)

* Rate includes: City tour by coach and English speaking professional guide, pick up and drop off at your hotel, entrance fee to Acropolis and Acropolis Museum

Full Day Visit to Mycenae, Nafplio & Epidaurus

Follow the footsteps of the ancient Greeks on a fascinating full-day trip to Mycenae and Epidaurus.​ Explore the remains of the city “rich in gold” of the ancient poets and admire the famous Lion’s Gate, the Cyclopean Walls, and the Royal Tombs. Following a quick stop at the picturesque town of Nafplion, nestling at the foot of a cliff crowned by the mighty ramparts of the Palamidi Fortress, continue your way to the striking theatre of Epidaurus, renowned for its perfect architectural proportions and exemplary acoustics. 

Price: 84 € pp* 
Date: Tuesday, 05 July 2022
Distance: 2 hour driving
Duration: 10h15m (08:45 – 19:00)

* Rate includes: Excursion by coach and English speaking professional guide, pick up and drop off at your hotel, entrance fee to Mycenae and Epidaurus, Lunch at restaurant during the tour.
  • The Archeological site of Mycenae
  • The view at the Argolic gulf from the Palamidi fortress at Nafplion
  • Epidaurus Stadium
  • The picturesque alleys of Plaka
  • The Evzones Guards outside the Greek Parliament
  • The Odeon of Herodes Atticus

Athens old town tour: Syntagma, Ancient Agora, Plaka, Pnyx

The tour begins in front of the Parliament in Syntagma Square where you will see the Monument of the Unknown Soldier and the change of the famous Guards. A pleasant walk will follow through the National Garden to the Zappeion Hall, the Temple of Olympian Zeus and the Hadrian’s Arch. From here you will enter the Plaka neighborhood with its mesmerizing streets and the traditional shops. The tour continues to the Athenian Agora, the Observatory, the Hill of Democracy (Pnyx), the Mars and Philoppapos Hill, the Odeon of Herodes Atticus, and the Theater of Dionysus.

Price: 30 € pp* 
Date & Time: 06 July 2022
Duration: 4h (09:00 – 13:00)

* Rate includes English speaking professional guide.
  • View of the archeological site of Delphi
  • The Delphi stadium at the foot of Mount Parnassos​

A day tour to Delphi, the ancient center of the world

Located on the slopes of Mount Parnassus the sanctuary of Delphi was the center of the Ancient World – the “Omphalos” (Navel of Earth) – whose prestige extended far beyond the boundaries of the Hellenic World. Blending harmoniously with a landscape of unparalleled beauty and majesty and charged with sacred meaning, Delphi was a famous religious center and a symbol of unity in the 6th century B.C. The visitors of the archeological site and the Delphi museum will have the chance to admire various ancient masterpieces (such as the bronze Charioteer and the famous athlete Aghias), the Treasury of the Athenians, the Temple of Apollo and many other highlights of great architectural and historical significance in a stunning natural environment.

Price: 78 € pp
Date: 07 July 2022, Full Day
Distance: A 2.5-hour escape from Athens
Duration: 10h (08:30 – 18:30)

Post-conference Cruise to the Saronic Gulf: Hydra, Poros, Aegina

The day after the conference, enjoy a carefree cruise from Athens to three nearby picturesque islands of the Saronic Gulf. The first stop is the island of Hydra, the haven of the artistic world and favorite jet set destination. Next stop is the Poros island with its scenic port and final stop the historic island of Aegina, where you will have time either to visit the Athena Afea Temple or swim to the nearest beaches of the island. Lunch is served on board during the voyage.

Price: 95 € pp* 
Date & Time: 08 July 2022
Duration: 12h45m (07:15 – 20:00)

* Rate includes lunch on board in buffet style, live music and folkloric show for entertainment and port taxes.
  • The enchanting Hydra island
  • The graphic port of Poros Island
  • The Athena Afea Temple at Aegina island
  • Horse carriages in Aegina island