Authors’s area

The Steering and the Scientific Committee welcomes the submission of manuscripts at the 3rd International Conference on Natural Hazards and Infrastructure

The ICONHIC proceedings are now indexed by SCOPUS.



Authors are encouraged to use the MS Powerpoint Template below for their oral presentations.

Oral Presentation Template


Authors are encouraged to use the MS Powerpoint Template below for their e-poster presentations.

E-Poster Presentation Template


Authors of accepted abstracts may submit their Full Manuscript (Full Paper or Extended Abstract) to the Conference Proceedings using the link provided below. Authors will be asked to create an account at, fill in some personal details and information about their manuscript, and finalize their submission.

Authors will need to provide their Paper ID (same as Abstract ID), which was shared with them upon abstract acceptance via an email entitled ‘Notification of Abstract Acceptance’. Authors who cannot find such email are prompted to contact us and we will help them recover it.

Please note that Extended Abstracts are considered Full Manuscripts, and are, thus, included in the Conference Proceedings.

In case you have any questions, feel free to contact us at


Guidelines to authors

Manuscripts may be either in the form of a full paper or an extended abstract (if the work presented has been published elsewhere and provided that appropriate reference is made).

Only full papers will be forwarded for indexing to SCOPUS.

Manuscripts shall be eventually submitted to the conference in both .pdf and .docx (or .doc) format. 

Please note that there is a limit of 2 (two) papers per registered corresponding author


Review Process:

All manuscripts will be subjected to peer-review. The acceptance decisions will take into account paper novelty, technical depth, practical or theoretic impact, and clarity. Review occurs during a fixed window of time of 2 months. All authors will be notified of the decision on their paper within the specified timeframe. Authors may receive one of three possible decisions:

  • Accept: Your paper will be published without edits. Authors will be asked to upload their final files in MS word and pdf format
  • Accept with revision: The paper will be accepted after implementing the edits suggested by the reviewers. Authors will be asked to provide a revised version.
  • Reject: The paper will not be presented at the conference or published in the conference proceedings.

Paper Management System:
An online platform supports the review process of the Conference. By entering the platform, the authors will be able to see the status of the review, receive review comments, and submit their final manuscript. Detailed instructions on the use of the platform are provided in the link below:


Full paper format

Full papers are expected to meet the scientific criteria of novelty and academic excellence. Accepted full-papers will be submitted for indexing to SCOPUS. There is no restriction on the length of manuscripts, provided that the text is concise and comprehensive.

The Full Paper template (.docx) can be found in the link provided on the right.

Extended abstract format

Extended Abstracts should summarize the key points of a research. They should include a brief introduction on the objectives of the work presented, description of the methodology and major research outcomes.

Extended abstracts may also include diagrams, graphs, charts and photos. They will be eligible for oral presentation and will be included in the proceedings marked as extended abstracts. Recommended length for extended abstracts is 2 – 3 pages in A4 format including figures, photographs, tables, references etc.

The Extended Abstract template (.docx) can be found in the link provided on the right.


1. Accepted manuscripts will be published in the conference proceedings provided that the corresponding author has been registered to the conference by May 20, 2022. The corresponding (registered) author is not necessarily the first author.

2. Accepted papers will be presented either orally or in poster format. Oral presentations will be allocated to the highest-ranking manuscripts.

3. New: The publication fee of 100 € has now been waived. The publication fee was supposed to be charged at the time of full manuscript (full paper or extended abstract) submission, and deduced from the registration fee, in case of acceptance. Corresponding authors of accepted abstracts will not pay any fees at the time of full manuscript submission. In case of acceptance, the corresponding author will have to fully register to the conference for the paper to be presented in the conference and included in the proceedings (see also point 1).

Publication Ethics

Authors’ Responsibilities

Authorship of the paper: Authorship should be limited to those who have made a significant contribution to the conception, design, execution, interpretation and presentation of the reported study. All authors should be acknowledged accurately and clearly.

Originality of the paper: The submitted material should be original, prepared to a high scholarly standard and fully referenced using the prescribed referencing system.

Data Quality and access: All data presented should be acquired in accordance with recognised ethical research practices. Authors should be ready to provide access to their raw data if requested by the Editor.

Fundamental errors in published works: When an author discovers a significant error or inaccuracy in the published work, it is the author’s obligation to promptly notify the Conference editor and cooperate with the editor to retract or correct the paper.

Communication: Author(s) should remain in good communication with the editor if the need arises. All authors should recognise that the Editorial Board of ICONHIC has the final decision to publish.

Reviewers’ Responsibilities

Reviewers should :

  • Only review papers that are relevant to their own expertise.
  • Read the papers with appropriate care and attention and use their best efforts to be constructively critical.
  • Regard the work being reviewed as confidential and will not discuss it with others and will keep their own identity from authors.
  • Review submitted work timely.
  • Report any suspected ethical misconduct which appears in the work.
  • Avoid any offensive language in their appraisals of the papers.
  • Treat all papers reviewed fairly without any favour of prejudice.

Editors’ Responsibilities

Editors will:

  • Only authorise for publication content of the highest quality.
  • Ensure that a thorough and objective peer review is conducted for full-paper submissions.
  • Clearly identify articles which will not be peer reviewed (i.e. extended abstracts).
  • Be transparent with regards to the review and publication process.
  • Treat all submissions fairly without any favour of prejudice.
  • Provide advice to the authors during the submission process when necessary.

Editorial Board

National Technical University of Athens [ ISSN: 2623-4513 ]

Editors in Chief
Professor George Gazetas, National Technical University of Athens (Conference Chair)
Professor Ioannis Anastasopoulos, ETH Zurich (Conference Co-Chair)

Associate Editors
Dr. Rallis Kourkoulis, ICONHIC, Athens (Conference Organizer)
Dr. Fani Gelagoti, ICONHIC, Athens (Conference Organizer)

Editorial Board
Tarek Abdoun, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA
Eduardo Alonso, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, SPAIN
Günter Blöschl, TU Wien, AUSTRIA
Michalis Fardis, University of Patras, GREECE
Guillermo Franco, Marsh and McLennan, IRELAND
Roger Frank, Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées, FRANCE
Nicos Makris, University of Central Florida, USA
Maria Mimikou, National Technical University of Athens, GREECE
Sissy Nikolaou, WSP, USA
Ton Peters, Deltares, NETHERLANDS
Kyriazis Pitilakis, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, GREECE
Alexander Puzrin, ETH Zurich, SWITZERLAND
Mark Randolph, University of Western Australia, AUSTRALIA
Tizianna Rosetto, University College London, UK
David Wald, USGS, USA
Nigel Wright, De Montfort University, Leicester, UK