Ezio Faccioli Civil Engineer from Politecnico di Milano (PM) in 1964, and a PhD in Civil Engineering at the University of Illinois (1968), was appointed in 1971 by UNESCO manager and soil dynamics expert for the UN-sponsored Soil Dynamics Project at the Institute of Engineering of UNAM in Mexico City, where he remained until 1977. He then became associate professor at PM in 1981, and full professor in Earthquake Engineering in 1985.
Selected scientific and professional recognitions earned by Prof. Faccioli include those of:
- Associate Editor of Journal of Seismology (1998-2011);
- Erskine Fellow at the Department of Civil Engineering of the University of Canterbury, New Zealand (2001);
- Director of International Association of Earthquake Engineering (2004-2012);
- Recipient of the 2006 EERI (California) Outstanding Paper Award for the best paper published in Earthquake Spectra in 2004.
- Member of the Conseil Scientifique of BRGM (Bureaux des Recherches Géologiques et Minieres), France (2007-2013).
- Member of Editorial Board of the Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics journal;
After his retirement from academic career in 2010, Prof. Faccioli has been leading as a consultant the engineering seismology and soil dynamics group at Studio Geotecnico Italiano in Milano.Selected professional assignments performed over the years include the site-specific seismic hazard assessment and definition of design earthquakes for large infrastructures (nuclear power plants, offshore gas and oil platforms, LNG terminals, petrochemical plants) worldwide, seismic microzonation studies, and the assessment of the vibrational impact of train and tramway lines. Dr.Faccioli has co-authored five books and published 52 articles in international journals (plus some 80 in conference proceedings).