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Hazard Prediction, Warning and Risk Management
Strengthening Tools & Mitigation Strategies
Vulnerability Assessment, Risk Planning & Uncertainties
Multi-Risk Decision Support Methodologies
Assessment and Prediction of Natural Hazards from Satellite Imagery
Remote sensing for natural disasters: Challenges and Opportunities
Moving Towards Climate-Resilient and adaptive Infrastructure Systems
Integrating Disaster Risk into Life-Cycle Management of Infrastructure Systems
Resilience of Transportation Infrastructure under multiple Hazards
Engineering Seismology & Ground Motion Simulation
Assessment, Analysis and Retrofitting of Structures
Aging Infrastructure and future Earthquakes: Concrete, Steel and Masonry Structures
Seismic Design of Foundations and Underground Structures
Soil-Structure Interaction
Ground Failure & Liquefaction: Analysis and effects on Structures and Lifelines
Isolation and Energy Dissipation Devices
Protection of Historical Structures against Seismic Hazards
Landslides Prevention and Mitigation: Design Practice and New Concepts
Instrumentation and Remote Sensing
Offshore Landslides and effects on submarine Structures and Pipelines
Earthquake/Flood induced Landslides: Analysis and Modeling
Flood Risk Management and Risk Reduction Strategies
Flood Forecasting, Modelling and Flood Control
Natural & Engineered Defenses and Vulnerabilities
Urban Drainage Infrastructure and Performance
Dikes, Levees and Dams: studying Failures and proposing Strategic Solutions
Storm Surges, Tsunamis and Sea Level Rise
Strong Winds, Storms, Hurricanes and Tropical Cyclones
Impact of Extreme Weather on Critical Infrastructure
Drought impacts on Infrastructure Service Delivery
Special Sessions (SS)
Special Sessions will include a panel of invited speakers on cross-cutting topics and will be even organized by companies. SS could include presentation of suitable papers submitted to the conference.
5-in-5 oral presentations
During this lively session, authors will be allocated a five minutes slot to underline their research results through a five slides presentation. Presentations will run in parallel in thematic kiosks within the same hall, allowing delegates to seamlessly move from one kiosk to another during the 1-minute break between consecutive presentations.
The unique format of this session will encourage interaction between delegates and authors, and give the participants the opportunity to get a flavor of subjects other than their own specialty.
Physical Poster Boards will bear poster presentations during the coffee and lunch breaks
America’s Infrastructure Report Card: Causes, Costs, and Solutions
4 experts come together to offer an insider’s view on…..Learn more
The Panelists
Geo-Eco-Hazards (GEHs) are ecological hazards resulting from …..Learn more
The Panelists
Special Sessions and Workshops organized by field experts, will include theme talks by distinguished Lecturers, round-table discussions and paper presentations on hot topics.
Special Session: Understanding, Modelling, and Design of Offshore Wind Turbine Foundation
This special session aims to bring together researchers, practitioners and stakeholders to share recent advances in theoretical, experimental and computational modelling of soil-structure interaction problems and behaviour of soils under cyclic loading, with special emphasis on foundations for offshore wind turbines. Learn more
Special Session on Loss and resilience assessment tools for infrastructure exposed to natural hazards
Urban areas and critical infrastructure are exposed to natural and manmade hazards, which are becoming more frequent and have severe consequences on world economies and societies. Therefore, cities and infrastructure resilience to extreme events and diverse hazards such as tsunami, hurricanes, fires, landslides, floods, climate change, man-made and technological risks, is of paramount importance for maintaining functionality and operability during and after the hazard event. Learn more
Special Session on Recent Advances in Rocking Structures
This session will focus on recent advances in the dynamics of rocking structures. When subjected to earthquake shaking, freestanding or weakly restrained structures may uplift and set into rocking, which can significantly reduce the seismic shears and moments that develop at the base of the structure. Learn more
Workshop on Urban Flooding, Nature-Based Solutions and Socio-environmental Services
Floods result in both life and economic losses in cities of different scales across the developed and developing world. In the UK alone, economic losses from the 2014 floods amounted to more than £1bn. It is not only rare catastrophic events that matter: being more frequent (return periods 1 in 5 years and above), events of smaller intensity can have a detrimental cumulative impact on the economy as they cause extensive disruption and damage to properties and infrastructure. Flooding is becoming more frequent as climate change has led to the intensification of extreme weather Learn more
Workshop on Natural Hazards & Pipeline Infrastructure
The Workshop invites researchers and practicing engineers, with special interest on pipeline analysis, design and integrity to present their papers and discuss their experiences on the effects of geo-hazards on pipelines. Learn More
Workshop on Energy Resources, Human Induced Earthquakes and Community Resilience
Exploitation of hydrocarbon energy resources has accelerated in the recent years, often resulting in seismic activity in populated regions. Such induced earthquakes did not only affect the built environment as expected but also introduced a significant impact on society, as the cases of Groningen (Netherlands) and Oklahoma (USA) confirm. Learn More
Special Session on Bridge Risk Assessment from Natural Hazards
Modern societies are very reliant on infrastructure, especially for transportation. Transport networks allow for the movement of people and goods, ensuring communication and accessibility. Bridges are crunch points in such networks, since they connect links that would not be otherwise connected. They have high capital construction cost, and this results in fewer structures and therefore less redundancy in the system. Learn more.
The Ergo Consortium 5th annual workshop
The ERGO is a Multi-Hazard Assessment, Response and Planning Platform based on Consequence-based Risk Management principle. The Ergo consortium members will be holding their 5th annual workshop on the 27th June to present updates on how the ERGO system has been deployed throughout the world. Learn More